Group: Minimalist - real subjects

Castro Verde, HBM

Penedos, Thirsty Land poetry

texture / background - Freedom

Hemingway, always...

Saturday Self-Challenge: Ton in Ton

museememoires39-45. PLOUGONVELIN

Hält noch !

HFF mit Schattenspiel

Andryala integrifolia, Penedos, Thirsty Land poetr…


Monte Gordo beach, HFF on a windy day.


a world of sun glasses

Penedos, Morning spirit

Pedro Fazenda, Under a stone. Pig and Seal.

Penedos, Daybreak

Moka Express

Hamburger Essenswürdigkeit (PiP)

Penedos, Daybreak of a very hot day.

the song of the summer rooster

The frog in the fog

Sunrising on Thirsty Land

Some Moon

One young one.
