Group: Farms around the world

It's our public footpath - Bishopstone - Sussex -…

Hill And Bush

Cattle by the Cuckmere river, Sussex 15 9 2016

Three little piggies at Surrey Docks Farm - 24.10.…

Ram goat & chicken at Surrey Docks Farm - 24.10.20…

Staring steers - Bishopstone - 7 8 2021

Corrugated iron shed Bishopstone 7 8 2021

Combine harvester Norton 7 8 2021

Ploughing at Bishopstone 12 9 09

Bishopstone Village from the south-east 21 8 09

Beyond The Trees.

Sussex Red cows on Cradle Hill, Seaford 13 7 2023

Winter Branches.

On Road To Rotorua.

Kartoffelernte wie vor 60 Jahren

Staring At Me.

Line Of Trees.

View Over The Fence.

Goat Resting.

Grazing Cows.

Countryside From Highway 30.

Gazing, Not Grazing!

Gate In Trees

Goats on the Rye Harbour Nature Reserve - 10.8.201…