Group: Church Interiors

Torre de Moncorvo - Nossa Senhora da Assunção

Plasencia - Catedral

Plasencia - Catedral

ND de dijon

eglise de st anne a sirmione

Innenraum von St. Nikolai in Borstel

Innenraum der Kirche St. Matthias/ Jork

Tonnengewölbe und Kronleuchter...

St. Johannis, Interieur

Lugo Iglesia de San Pedro

Happy Wall With Window Wednesday !

Christ the worker by stained glass artist John Hay…

Guadalupe - Real Monasterio de Santa María de Guad…

Italy, Perugia, Sculpture in the Underground City

Pavia - São Dinis

Sainte Radegonde-Lafleche 2024

Kirche von Kristianstad

HBM.............St James, Dalehead

Italy, Interior of Lower Church of Saint Francis i…

Kathedrale in Bourges

Italy, Interior of Basilica of Saint Francis in As…

Italy, Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi, Top of…

Bell harry tower IMG 20240623 210814

Chiesa di Santa Maria Impenso, Narni

Mértola, Igreja Matriz, Namoradeiras HBM