Mother Church of Saint James.

Church of Mercy.


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Ruines du Minaret de MANSOURAH . Tlemcen.

Ohrid - Saint Sophia

Shrine of Good Lord Jesus of the Cross (18th centu…

Moine Thailandais

Folio from the “Blue Qur’an”

HFF im Michel

Mother Church of Holy Mary Major.

Kostel Panny Marie Sedmibolestné a Povýšení svatéh…

Mother Church of Barcelinhos.

Vue sur le port de pêche de Ghazaouet.

San Biagio Finalborgo

Candes-Saint-Martin - Collégiale Saint-Martin

Sri Maha Mariamman temple

Italy, The Upper Facade of the Duomo di Siena

Italy, The Top of the Left Nave Facade of the Duom…

Italy, The Top of the Right Nave Facade of the Duo…

evangiles apocryphes

Lusíada University and Sacred Art Museum.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bâle (6)

Church of Saint Mary Magdalene.
