Group: Cats in Odd Positions

My Little Honey.

Ha ha ha, même pas peur du gros minet !

twc - asleep [Explored]

What's Down There, Honey?

Sybil Playing Peek-a-boo.

twc - asleep [odd place / way no. 99]

Honey In A Shopping Bag.

Shimmering Water.


Warm place In The Sun.

Very Relaxed

My Lazy Little Honey!

Funny Way To Sleep!

The Cat Next Door.

What's On My Paw?

Lion Feed Time.

One Happy Cat!

Honey's Best Pose?

A Good Lie Down,

bwc - Stress ? who, me ?

Quite Comfortable In Shopping Bags.

Kitty In A Plastic Bowl.

Resting Place.

Cat In A Bag.

Honey Blocking My View.