Group: Gates

Who Left The Gate Open?

Shearing Shed.

From Our Patio

Our Street Curves.

Donkey Pair.

Dividing The Section.

St Andrews, West Port

St Andrews, St Johns Garden

St Andrews, The Pends

St Andrews, Entrance to Sallies Quad

St Andrews, Eastern Cemetery

St Andrews, Corner of The Shore and The Pends

St Andrews, West Port

St Andrews, Looking from Sallies Quad to North Str…

Home Once Loved.

Fenced In.

Día de Dudley in the Howff, Dundee

Nelson's Monument from Gladstone Court

Entrance to St Mary's College, South Street, St An…

Green Slopes.

Farm entrance

Pink Cold Morning...

When the Rain is over: Mist and Sunlight are comin…

Fency Shadows...