Group: Tyrol

Today's Winter Solstice

Cold Invitation

Black Lake in Daylight

Break During Cruising

Black Lake

Via Ferrata 'Schlegeis 131'

The Schlegeis Reservoir

Via Ferrata 'Schlegeis 131'

Via Ferrata 'Schlegeis 131'

The Schlegeis Dam

H.F.F. - from the Schlegeis Dam

Break For A Snack

'Schau Zuichi' Market

Wild Plum

Wild Plum

Rural Letterboxes

The Guardian

'Not Your Dog's Loo'

'Short Valley Left, Long Valley Right'

Trail Closed

H.F.F. - from Haslau Power Plant

Haslau Power Plant (2)

Haslau Power Plant (3)

Haslau Power Plant (4)

Via Ferrata 'Reintaler See'

Reintal Lake