Group: Straight Out Of Camera - SOOC

Thanksgiving Takeaway

2800mm Test Shot

Trick or Treat

Grasshopper Portrait

Deer Fly Portrait

Mosquito Portrait

Damselfly And Caught Fly

Lilac Flower and Raindrop

Cicada Portrait

Off With The Old

Last Katydid

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio glaucus

Nearly Too Close For Comfort

Standing Tall and Walking Towards Me

Evening Primrose Flower and Moth

Horsefly Portrait

Dragonfly Portrait

After Dinner Fly

Seller-N-Buyer or Buyer-N-Seller?

Location or Prediction?

Dogbane Beetle, Chrysochus auratus, On Daisy Flowe…

Newly Hatched Karner Blue Butterflies, Lycaeides m…

Cicada in Natural Environment

Cicada On Ground

Leaf Hopper and Reflection

Male Palm Warbler