Group: analog photography

Flat Tyre @ The Gallery

The Visitors No.2

The Visitors No.1

Cross Roads MeetUp

Naked And Unashamed

The Washing & The Olive Tree & The Shed

The Shed Wall At Dusk

Te Moana Gorge lower end

At the poplars Te Moana Gorge

Lyttelton Harbour through a gap.

Lake Tuai near Waikaremoana

There's A Road........

The Road Home

The Way Home

Dawn On An Unknown Road

No Mans land

Walking In The Dawn

Memories Of Another war

Rakaia Gorge

Te Moana Gorge

At the poplars swimming hole

Dawn In The Trenches on Hill 164

White Lies In Morocco

Oak In Suburbia

The Davinci Code

Sundown In Suburbia