Group: Trees and Clouds Exhibition

El dia s'estremeix

Mirador los vientos

Branco resting by the pond

Le nuvole protagoniste dello spettacolo : luce div…

Du coté de l'Andalousie en Espagne.

the old spruce forest

(Hbm) Bald in the Forest

Arriba un moment

Galana River shores.

Ein goldgelber Blätterwald - A forest of golden ye…

Collecting olives. Yesterday.

Del petit cim estant

Moinho do Alferes, Ribeira do Vascão, HWW

The shower will only fall by late aftarnoon

I pruned my lemon tree. Don't you find it a marvel…

Bon week-end clément.

L'automne est un second printemps où chaque feuill…

Baobabs along the road.

Penedos, Daucus carota and Thirsty Land poetry


Ara que ve la boira

Penedos, HWW

Del no-res

No Autumn but still color

Autumnal Colours,