Group: Exquisite Cats

What's On My Paw?

Honey looking out the window.

Honey relaxing

Lion Feed Time.

One Happy Cat!

"J'aime les chats" Pour Valériane mon amie très ch…

Honey Basking In The Sun

"You won't get it, it's mine!" Kioko is playing wi…

Analyse stratégique..!

Cette photo a 10 ans, c'était notre Titou

In Autumn Leaves

Gouttes de lumière irisée

tendres SOUVENIRS de nos chats

Honey's Best Pose?

A Good Lie Down,

notre pauvre MARGA

Ummm, Judi, this is my birthday present....shove o…

Sniff... sniff..!

Why Are You Taking My Photo, Again?!!

24/08/2021.. 12h56

Tendresse et attention..

notre Marga salon..!

Honey In The Ferns

Quite Comfortable In Shopping Bags.

Neighbour's Cat Just Visiting.

Kitty In A Plastic Bowl.