Group: ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖

Bekrönte Häupter

Victoria's Butchart Gardens, Part 8: Black Petunia…

Soir de vendange aux terrasses de Lavaux (suisse)

lapusneanu street 3

Le sale gosse

free & happy (seen in Botswana)


Bastia VC- Giovani amici

Autumn on the farm (Explored)

Schools class 'Cheltenham' at Alresford.

Autumn Colours

Some days bad weather

Eglise de La Roque-Alric, Vaucluse (France)

Hydrant voll in Aktion.

Stein von Anderen nach Instagram Art dekoriert

L'Olivier s'enjolive........

Chapelle in Nyons

Extinction Rebellion

The musician's salary