Group: HTT - Happy Tuesday Table

The Shires 3111 (L311 HPP) in Aston - 17 Mar 1998

HU - Budapest - Essen auf der Ráday utca

Watching the Whale go by

Eine Tasse Tee und Kuchen - Cup of tea and cake

HTT: West Suffolk SOS Bus M511 VJO at Stonham Barn…

Trustline TL51 BUS in Tewin – 6 Aug 2003 (510-18)

Happy Tuesday Table!

Icecream on table!

Log Cabin

Times present

eld - tables on the green

No Beer Today!

Empty tables and a lady applies sun-cream!

HBM/HTT: Fenland Busfest at Whittlesey - 15 May 20…

Tisch im Weinberg

CAS - Dun - everybody at the cafe

Three purple vases on a table

a sculpture and a table.. HTT!

Looking West

HTT: East Yorkshire/Scarborough & District 471 (W4…

Die Bank im alten Polizeipräsidium

hst - distant pier

a special shelter

Sharing Beers!

HTT: Eniway JBZ 4909 and Semmence A583 MEH at the…

HTT: Centrebus 759 (AN09 BUS) at Empingham - 28 Oc…

Table with fried fish and two beers!