Group: Winter (in temperate climate zones)

Focusing on the group topic

By Bergfex club
19 Feb 2024 - 16 comments - 161 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

The group contained posts that did not match well with the topic. Although most of them were calendrically correct, they did not show typical winter motifs.

Such a muddle is quite understandable for older groups that have had many administrators with different levels of commitment. For visitors from the web, however, such distractions from the topic can be irritating. Therefore, they have been removed.

To get an idea of what visitors might expect under the keyword "winter", you may follow these search queries:

▶️ Google: 'Winterbild'
▶️ Yandex: 'Winter picture'
▶️ Shutterstock: 'winter'

You can get another excellent impression by searching for the keyword "winter" in the largest European photo community, which has an excellent, professionally maintained library system:

▶️ FOTOCOMMUNITY: 'winter'

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Bergfex 12 months ago.

16 comments - The latest ones
Xata club
In an ipermail I wrote this question about the definition of Winter for the group :

"Winter is not the same in all regions, in mine it is flower season starting November/December. This will be the case for many Northern hemisphere locations, the most Southern ones."

Reading what you wrote above this means contributions from members living in most Southern areas of Europe are excluded as we seem not to meet the requirements specified above.

I find it quite unfair, South Europe also exists and why stigmatize a different Winter reality?

People from cold Winter countries appreciate to spend vacation in our mild Winter... even if it does not feel like Winter for them.

Looking forward to members thoughts on this matter.
Bem haja

12 months ago.
 klaus 040
klaus 040 club
Hello Isabel
I think you're right with your misgivings.
We have to look out another regulation. But I have no idea what...
I think Bergfex should think about this problem.
12 months ago.
Bergfex club has replied to klaus 040 club
Siehe meine Antwort an Isabel.
12 months ago.
Bergfex club
Dear Isabel,

I completely agree with your observation that the concept of winter varies significantly across different regions of the world. It's evident that the winter experience in Portugal differs greatly from that in Canada or Finland, and even here in Austria, we've noticed changes in recent years, with winter transitioning to a more spring-like environment earlier than expected.

Considering these variations, it's clear that relying solely on the calendar to define our group's content criteria isn't practical. We've encountered instances where holiday pictures from warm destinations like Dubai or Thailand, taken during the calendar winter period, have been shared here. The same applies to locations in the southern hemisphere during their winter months.

To ensure our group maintains a focus on specific content, we need to adopt a different approach. Instead of adhering strictly to calendar dates, we should consider the types of motifs that best represent the essence of winter across different cultures. As this is a public group, it's essential to understand what people worldwide perceive as wintry motifs.

One effective way to determine this is by examining the content provided by major search engines, professional photo platforms, and photo agencies under the term 'winter.' This approach will help us to compare our personal, limited view with global perceptions.

In addition to the previously shared links, I've also researched the offerings of a leading stock photo agency for further insight. Look here, please: Shutterstock: 'winter'

addendum: By the way, you are by no means being stigmatized. As one can see, you have 158 posts in the group. That puts you in fourth place in terms of the number of posts within this group!
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
Xata club has replied to Bergfex club
Olá Bernhard,

I know that the iconic image of Winter is generally snow-covered landscapes and leafless trees.

For people from regions like mine, it's a travel dream that has nothing to do with what we know as Winter and its special characteristics. The fact remains that it is nevertheless Winter. Our version of Winter.

I think that as far as this group is concerned, if it's called Winter we have to respect the calendar Winter of the various regions of the globe. If only contributions of snow and dormant nature are accepted, this should be specified and the group should be given a different name so as not to stigmatise members from regions whose winter is different in essence.

I also think it would be sad not to keep an open mind for this group and allow visitors to appreciate the different faces of winter in different regions.
However, it would be a good idea to include as mandatory the date and place of each photo in the rules to be followed.

About your addendum, I didn't check further than the latest ones I posted, and these are no longuer there (not really important though).

Bem haja
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
 David G Johnson
David G Johnson club
Thanks to all posters'. and the excellent constructive comments.. (You fine people put across the English language better than wot' I do) ,. I think it is a good move to merge the groups.. I have read through the posts several times and as is pointed out,. depending on ones location,. 'Winter' won't be all beautiful snow capped valleys' and Reindeers,. yes,. (from Isabel), a ''date time and place'' notice would be a good idea'. I might not be on the right track here,. the only other input I can give (Isabel again) is to perhaps rename the group to maybe >.. ''Our Winter'' or ''My Winter'' or something similar, which would embrace all versions of a Winter.,..
'Warm Wishes' to all from > Dj.. U.K
12 months ago.
Bergfex club has replied to David G Johnson club
Lieber David,

danke für das Kompliment im Hinblick auf die englische Sprache. Heute schreibe ich aber mal in Deutsch, um den integrierten Übersetzer herauszufordern.

Ich denke, das Problem liegt auch darin, dass wir aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln schauen. Mein Blick ist, wie der der Suchmaschinen, auf das Phänomen gerichtet. Isabel schaut hingegen eher auf die zeitliche Periode. Ein weiterer Unterschied: Als Befürworter klarer, bibliotheksartiger Strukturen liebe ich es, wenn man unter einem Stichwort nicht die größtmögliche Vielfalt angeboten bekommt, sondern exakt das, was gemeinhin zugeordnet wird. Womöglich kann man das mit "horizontal vs. vertikal" umschreiben. (Womöglich ist das auch die Erklärung, warum die Suchmaschinentreffer entsprechend sind. Suchmaschinen sollen per definitionem nicht die größte Bandbreite liefern, sondern möglichst spezifisch reagieren.)

Ich denke, wir müssen an dieser Stelle den Gedanken loslassen, auf Teufel komm raus irgendeinen Kompromiss zimmern zu wollen. Stephen Covey (Autor von "The seven habits of highly effective people") würde sagen: Es ist Zeit für eine kreative Alternative.
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
David G Johnson club has replied to Bergfex club
Thank you Bernhard,.. it seems the translater worked very well,.. within a few seconds.
I have read all you say,.
Cheers from > Dj.
12 months ago.
Xata club has replied to David G Johnson club
Bernhard has a different goal than we have, I may say his goal is more important if it allows to help keep our photo home alive and running through advertising.

But somewhere I feel culturally defrauded, a little fed up that my region only exists for tourism, for me it is important to show a different reality, not a paradise: our Summer dry and over 40ºC most days can be considered hell for many.

So... a "My/our Winter" group would have been nice, your proposal is wise and pleasant INMHO.
12 months ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Xata club
Liebe Isabel, Du bringst mich zum Schmunzeln. Denn auch hier ist der Tourismus lästig, obwohl es kalt ist. Am vergangenen Samstag musste ich beispielsweise zum Supermarkt einen längeren Schleichweg benutzen, weil die Hauptstraßen im Ort mit Skiurlaubern verstopft waren. Das wird noch bis Mitte April so sein. Außerdem ist alles teurer, wie in allen Touristengebieten. Das verbuche ich als Preis dafür, dort wohnen zu können, wo andere Urlaub machen.

Was die Gruppe angeht, wird eine Umbenennung das Problem kaum lösen, welches der Mix verschiedener Motivarten erzeugen würde. Fotos von Palmenstränden (Winter in Dubai), Booten auf türkisblauem Wasser (Winter auf den Seychellen), oder von blühenden Kirschbäumen sind nun mal komplett anders konnektiert. (So etwas war tatsächlich auch in der Gruppe gepostet worden!)

Phänologisch betrachtet ist 'Winter' die Zeit der Vegetationsruhe Laubbäume haben ihre Blätter verloren, viele Tiere sind im Winterschlaf. Das Winterende kündigt sich mit dem Vorfrühling an: Blattknospen treiben aus, Frühblüher erblühen, Bienen machen erste Erkundungsflüge. Für die Natur ist der menschengemachte Kalender ein völlig irrelevantes Konstrukt. Mancherorten dauert der Winter 9 Monate, anderswo vielleicht nur 3 Tage, oder er findet gar nicht statt, wie in Dubai.

Wenn Du also von "Deinem Winter" schreibst, dann müsstest Du Dich meiner Ansicht nach wirklich auf die Zeit konzentrieren, in der die Natur auch bei Euch ruht. Sobald sie wieder erwacht, beginnt bei Dir der Vorfrühling, auch wenn der Kalender etwas Anderes sagt.

. . . und jetzt geh' ich mal raus in unseren Vorfrühling, der auch hier längst erwacht ist. Die Haselkätzchen treiben den Allergikern schon die Tränen in die Augen, und erste Schneeglöckchen sind auch schon zu sehen.
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
Bergfex club has added
Von klaus040 erreichte mich folgender Vorschlag per iper-Mail:

"... Man könnte ja eine eigene Gruppe eröffnen, die südliche Winterimpressionen wiedergeben soll. Da geht es dann nicht mehr um Schnee und Eis, sondern um die jahreszeitlichen Erscheinungen und Besonderheiten dieser Landschaften. ..."

Ich denke, das wäre tatsächlich eine Möglichkeit, das Problem zu lösen. Man könnte dafür eine der vorhandenen, nicht mehr gebrauchten Gruppen verwenden, beispielsweise so:

'Winter' in warm climates

While winter is cold and snowy elsewhere, in warmer climes it presents itself in its own unique way. In this group, photos of the many facets of winter in warm regions are given the space they deserve.

An example of a design could look like this:

Screenshot 2024-02-20 17.45.53
12 months ago. Edited 12 months ago.
Xata club has replied to Bergfex club
So for us the dormant nature time is Summer, too hot and dry for anything to survive, in nature just oleanders bloom denouncing subterranean waterways... but we don't call it Winter !
Winter here is when it should rain a bit, temperatures are milder and some days even cold (this is underneath 10ºC)... and nature awakens ! Cannot call it anything else than what it is for us: Winter !
About tourism same here, some periods are... in those periods I flee to Penedos uphills.
12 months ago.
Xata club has replied to Bergfex club
Good compromise ! I am on.
12 months ago.
Bergfex club has replied to Xata club
Dann baue ich morgen die leere alte Gruppe entsprechend um.
Ich wähle diese, weil sie bereits eine mehrwöchige Wartezeit "im Ruhezustand" absolviert hat. Sie stünde sowieso in ein paar Tagen zur endgültigen Löschung an.
12 months ago.
Bergfex club has added
Der Anfang ist schon gemacht:

Gerne auch ein anderes Banner oder Icon . . .
12 months ago.
Annemarie club
great work
Thanks :)
12 months ago.

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