Group: The Wall

Oslo, Norway HWW

V Snooker

Shadow on the wall

Penedos, crumbling dry stone walls, HWW

Chrysanthèmes au bas d'un mur**********en Irlande*…

Eingangshalle im Gehrckens-Hof -HWW to all (PiP)

Valériane / Démarche serpentine en talons aiguill…

Mértola, Igreja da Misericórdia


Happy Wednesday Wall!

Happy Wednesday Wall!

Torweg im Magni-Viertel


Penedos, Daucus carota and Thirsty Land poetry

Pick one frame and put your head for the portrait.

HWW am Friedhof

Squelette guitariste, amateur de hamburgers /Skele…


Penedos, HWW

Fruits stall & graffitis (1)