Group: Australia Capital Cities

Only contributions by Steve Paxton are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Burnt clean.

Conjunction of planets

Over the fire

Australia day 2105 N0 1

Magic Free Shot

The Big DNA Tower

The Big Dingo

The Big Rainbow

The Big ball and chain

Walking on water

Making the Best out of a flat day

Next Rain shower in the morning.

Setting Low in the sky.

RCW105 23H

Sunset Storm

The Green Room or the Tube.

Willy Wag Tail - Tall Tale

28 Having plenty - Clara none

Osprey Hanging in the air

Early Light

A Real West Oz Christmas

Busselton Jetty - The Real "Big One".

Man on a Vespa - Narrow band.

Don't get caught.

Early Dew.

"Big" King Neptune