Group: Doors and Windows

Schöne Tür (3)

Municipal Library.


Banc MRI bench

Schöne Tür (1)

Wedding with an umbrella and a hydrant /Mariage av…

Merchantrade's folk architecture

A dark place

Porte d'antan / Yesteryears door

Building of Millennium BCP.

Medieval Tower.

Municipal Library.

Torticolis Ronda-Ronda stiff neck

J'ai à vendre aussi un 3 + 2 places, cause trop gr…

Architecture coloniale / Colonial-style architectu…

Sunday Challenge


Ruggell Liechtenstein

Der Zaun in L'ihue

Arbre, cocotier et tours jumelles

Plantes contre structure chinoise

Zone Konica

Mannsloch oder Mannloch