Group: 700 to 799 views

Church of Holy Mary and All Saints.

Floating Debris.

Lizard I rescued from the cat.

Lovely horse

Moon Half Hidden.

Whakatane Sunset.

"Travels" Painting

Beach Front

Raindrops on Freesias

Our campsite in Waioeka Gorge 2

Heinkel 1957.

Flying Out Of Auckland

Varino "Amoroso".

Swallow by river

Volkswagen 1300 1969.

One of Many.

Keeping An Eye On Me.

Beautiful Puku

Mural by Tamara Alves.

Volkswagen 1500 Cabrio 1975.

The Black Sheep of the Family.

Honda 600 1973.

When fog surrenders to sunshine.

Mural by Pol Corona (Argentina).

"Dar Młodzieży" - Polish tall ship (1981).