Group: coronavirus covid-19

Jusqu’à quand ?


Bier, Chips & Süsswaren

Straba by night 1

same procedure

Pandemic chalk: Mucha 6

Pandemic chalk: Clémentine-Hélène Dufau 10

Bleibt vorsichtig, bleibt gesund, bleibt zuversich…

Faut plus qu’on s’touche !

Chapel of Saint Peter of Balsemão (7th century).

Face mask in the 1920s

Bye bye Covid .

NHF ... Not Happy Friday :'-(

Le COVID vu par Berthet .

Building of Land and Civil Registry.

Das "Original Dresdner Handbrot" ...

Moines & masques...

HBM - remembering the happy year 4 BC (Before Covi…

Go vaccinate!

La gare St Charles à Marseille , en attendant mon…

Maintenant quand on l’enlève on se sent nu ….

Spooky Halloween Times

Tribute to Covid-19 Pandemic Victims and Fraternit…

IMG 8044-001-Covid Islands

Keep (last half 0f 13th century).

Le 121