Group: National Geographic

HFF et agréable fin de semaine Paisible.

Prunus dulcis, Almond tree bloom.

9 6 38

Penedos, Not for next Halloween !

250307 Montreux panorama IR

With Almond tree blooms, HFF IS NOW CLOSED, SEE YO…

HFF to all!

HFF ~ A view from Linz

Asphodelus ramosus HFF

Geparden im Samburu National Reserve

Ornans (25) 12 octobre 2010.


HWW ~ Yorkshire walls

Fumaria officinalis, Penedos, HWW

Carnaval au Cap Vert**************


Cistus Ladanifer, Penedos

Cistus ladanifer for Andy

Marseille jardin du Pharo. Missak (dit Michel) Man…

Above Three Waters

Clachan Sound

Asphodelus ramosus, Penedos

Asphodelus ramosus, Penedos

Paris (75). Juin 1973. Place de la Concorde. (Diap…

Würzburger Dom

Priddy Church in Winter Sun!

Fähranleger Hellesylt - Geiranger, Norwegen