Group: Bossen

the Highest point 310 m

the river that originates 1km from my home

(Hbm)in the parc

the Serpent

The Romantic way

Kaiser Karls bettstatt

Sit and enjoy beside the river (Hbm)

Fake lourdes grotto(Hbm)

Farmyard with the liliputters

Asylum Seeker

Sit down and relax in germany (HBM)

Brook border between germany and the Netherlands

Walking between Giants

Ray Catcher

Roses of the Forest

Etzenrather Múhle

Everything Green

Gold mountain (Hbm)

Natural Arch(the great dool room)

Wilhelmina tower from 1906--35 m

Colors in the Wind

HFF for everyone friday 12-mei-2023

at the forest edge

Loevemiger Sunset

Who Lives ?