Group: ...Black & White Every Day...

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Reims


Great Central Railway Loughborough 20th April 2024

Les mécanos

À travers le Paris nocturne

À travers le Paris nocturne

À travers le Paris nocturne

HWW und eine angenehme Restwoche wünsch ich euch !

Kilimanjaro and elephants (BW).

Macro Monday Sicherung

Macro Mondays Tellerrand


ausruhen ...

HBM Urquhart Castle Loch Ness Scotland September 1…

metallic minimalism

Stillness and presence

Saturday Self-Challenge: Ton in Ton

The Westmorland County Show

monday bench


La Promessa del Redentore

HWW USA New Orleans Superdome 3rd June 1984


coreografia di nuvole