Group: H.A.N.W.E. - Have A Nice Week End

At Jim Curry Reserve.

Have A Nice Week End

In The Pink,

Track Maintenance Equipment (H.A.N.W.E.)

At Rangiura Rest Home

Have a Nice Week End

Agapanthus Buds

The Falls in Sioux Falls, South Dakota (H.A.N.W.E.…

The Entrance To Hamilton Gardens

Have a Nice Week-End

Bright Leaves.

Caboose (HFF, H.A.N.W.E.)

Shave Ice (H.A.N.W.E., HTT)

Sybil Playing Peek-a-boo.

Summer Along the Mississippi (H.A.N.W.E.)

GG1 in Elkhart (H.A.N.W.E.)

Higher Up (H.A.N.W.E.)

H.A.N.W.E - On Hay Bales

Farm By The Lake.

Beautifully Blue.

Entering Honolulu at Night (H.A.N.W.E.)

Ups And Downs Of Farm Life.

America's Cup Boat (H.A.N.W.E.)

Red, Red Roses

Flowering In The Sun

Union Pacific Locomotive #8320 (HFF, H.A.N.W.E.)