Group: " 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

Stand Up Paddling


Ile dans le brouillard

Sperm whale.

Zwischen den Jahren....


Sonnenaufgang / Alba

Joyeux Noël

Joyeux Noël

A cup of coffee

Joyeux Noël

Mingè. Memeldelta

Zimbabwe, Reflection in the Water of the Pool at P…

Lumières en ville... Orléans.

Mont Blanc


Flamand rose prise par mon fils************

Zimbabwe, Three Ducks are Going to Swim in the Poo…

ce matin au lever du soleil

Puente Bizkaia - HFF

Home Town Walls,

Dämmerung bricht herein...

River Leven Reflection

Dumbarton Bridge in Early Morning Sunlight