Group: Birds of my world

016 von 365

017 von 365

Mésange noire, - Coal Tit, (Periparus ater)

Wer bin ich? - Who am I?

Corbeau sur le balcon de mon bureau

Common Wood Pigeon

Jackdaw up a Tree

Australian Pied Oystercatcher

mon filou qui fait son timide

"Ich sitze zum Trocknen hier"

Zambia, Crowned Crane in the Mosi-oa-Tunya Nationa…

Black-Headed Gull Landing on a Mast

roselin familier / house finch

Das Rotkelchen beim Fotoshooting :)) The robin at…

Tourterelle turque,- Eurasian Collared Dove (Strep…

Hooded merganser

Black-Headed Gull in Flight

Black-Headed Gulls


Bonne journée à tous ❤️