Group: Damned cable!

Mural painting.

Affen-Akrobat / Scimmia acrobatica

Chapel of Saint Joseph at Outeiro.

Church of Saint Marine.

Waiting for the flood?

Monsieur Puffs sur pneus / Mr Puff on tyres

Ein Besuch lohnt sich

Belle journée à tous !❤️

Banc, clôture et architecture marine (1)

HFF/ bon Vendredi à tous ❤️

Scène de rue du Laos

Intimité laotienne

Mural by Fintan Magee (Australian street artist).

What Branco was looking at

Clôture somnolente / Sleepy fence

Gold gold fence


Monginevro : il paese vecchio e la fontana

Panni stesi

Lampadaire insolite

Shake 50

Camion Chevrolet d'antan / Chevrolet truck of yest…

Zone tuk tuk

Le plaisir d'être ensemble .

Ice cream & breakfast

Diving fishing