Group: The Photographer

Couchant a Benisaf

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Italy, Trail to Cappella di San Galgano a Montesie…

Italy, San Galgano, Vineyard in January

Italy, San Gimignano, Narrow Street in Medieval To…

Lighthouse View.

Italy, San Gimignano, North-West Quarter

Italy, San Gimignano, Open Door to the Palazzo Com…

Fleurs d'Agaves ..

Italy, San Gimignano, Piazza Duomo with Collegiata…

Bon weekend ensoleillé.

Italy, San Gimignano Medieval Town

Italy, Walking in the Maze of Medieval Streets of…

Ville de Panne en Belgique .

Tromsø, Norway

Gare de Liège... Belgique.

Italy, San Gimignano, Wall Decorations inside Torr…

The Cobb, HWW!

Sur le canal de Bruges...HWW.

Thé instrument maker

Premier quartier lunaire.

Italy, San Gimignano, Water Well in the Hall of th…

Italy, San Gimignano, Initial Stage of Climb to To…

Scène de rue a Amsterdam.. HBM

Un bon bain de soleil...

Escargot au couchant.