Group: Geotagged

Botswana, Elephant Sucks Water into Own Trunk to D…

Dachboden- Momente

Salisbury Cathedral

Today the sun is shining

Botswana, Elephant is Drinking Water from its Own…

Botswana, Elephant Had Drank Some Water from the R…

Stillleben mit Hirsch

Rost und Farbe

Hüte an der Wand

Botswana, Chobe National Park, Young Elephant Came…

HWW - Königliche Palastmauer

Abano, Portugal HWW

Istres en fête

Botswana, The Large Elephant in the Chobe National…

Botswana, Lioness Close-up in the Chobe National P…

Traumstrand auf Ko Kradan


Rural landscape

Take a seat ...

Botswana, Chobe National Park, Lioness in Ambush

B & B = Buche & Bank

Kraxeln zur Bank

HBM from Wales

Botswana, Banded Mongoose in Chobe National Park

Botswana, The Male Impala in the Chobe National Pa…

Aveiro, Portugal

Amadora, Portugal HBM