Group: Graffitis

Vitacress mural.

Mural of Our Lady of Cork.

NsHWW an der gutistgut.villa

Berechtigte Bedenken- weiser Spruch

Mural "The Cure".

Pillar of access to April 25th Bridge.

Side aisle of building.

HFF l'évasion :-)

Mur sportif

Mural on abandoned house.

VR no-19


Old building's eyes / Les yeux d'un bâtiment ancie…

Wall biker / Cycliste mural

Singe et papillon / Monkey and butterfly

Boitier gênant sur le museau / Awkward case on the…

Mural on façade of abandoned house.

Moins de surveillance, plus de bienveillance

Worn wall

flower thrower

caruggi genovesi DOC

REIMS impasse du bras d’or

Muro Azul (Blue Wall).