Group: 3 / Tri / Drei / Three / Drie / Trois / Tres / Tre / Sán

Trio de dauphins / Trio di delfini

Trois flèches à suivre / Three arrows to follow

Trois quais, un phare / One lighthouse, three wha…


Drapeaux témoins du passé / Longhorn flags

Joyeux Noël


Trois perroquets photogéniques

Pulau Seribu Indonesia 31st July 1980

Pumpkin Pies


"Darf ich auch von deinem Badewasser...?"

Christmas is approaching

Street art on garage door.

fast dinner for one

for every day


Free on tap hydrant

which one of the three?

Batumi Holy Mother Virgin Nativity Cathedral

Les figues au col de fourrure.

Unwilling blurry architecture

Inside the church darkness

Gelati Monastery

Hawaiki Nui Va'a (6 pip)