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picquoteaday :-D
Hey everyone I'm trying to jump start myself to post more ! So here goes I'm going to try to post a pic a day with a favorite quote of mine...I know there are a bunch of groups with this idea...I don't know if I will do a group...just me expressing what is going on with me at the moment so here goes... take a peek when you can I am posting them to make contact with all of you too!!! Love, Sherry
[Photostream of the Day] 19 October - Fabio C. Favaloro
A new wonderful stream to look at... Let's give him some good reasons to stay here...
omG it's starting to sink in :-D
Okay it's starting to really hit me now...the *reality* of it all: Jul 25, 2008 London Heathrow Airport, (LHR) to Cologne/Bonn K.A.Airport, (CGN) Depart: 03:05 PM Arrive: 05:25 PM London, Great Britain (LHR) to Cologne/Bonn, Germany (CGN) British Midland Flight 3547 operated by…
back home - zurück in der Heimat
Just want to say a big thank you for giving me an unforgettable weekend! It was wonderful getting to know so many great people!!! light... ...on all of you!!! PS: Those I forgot to tag. Please help me out. __________________________________________________ Ich möchte mich bei Euch bedanken für ein unvergessenes Wochenende! Es war wundervoll so viele großartige Leute kennenzulernen!!! Licht... ...auf Euch alle…
Weekly picks XV (Xmas Edition)
Hee Hee Hee an oldie but a goodie I was inspired by someone over on flickr to post this...Someone claiming to want to become *friends*...well since now you'll never know hmmmm not ALL the lyrics fit...cuz I don't hate ANY day...and everybody knows I'm a big bawl baby ALLthe time...but the chorus yeah...this is pretty much here ya go...and to all my "bitches" in my network here you KNOW you love this's our anthem...LOVE to you ladies!!!!
[INTERVIEWS] franck *oO**
OMG!!! Okay I am a TOTAL self proclaimed hopeless romantic!!! Well tonight I received a GIANT dose of romantic!!! Thanks to my sweet babydoll Brandi (my son Seth's girlfriend). She called me late this afternoon and asked if she could come over to decorate Seth's room...hmmm???? okay I thought????? (Seth was at a practice with his band As Forever Fades) ANYway Brandi explained that she wanted to decorate his room...and leave an invitation for him to Santa Switch... Santa Switch is a formal w…