All articles concerning Roberto Ballerini - traveling
picquoteaday :-D
Hey everyone I'm trying to jump start myself to post more ! So here goes I'm going to try to post a pic a day with a favorite quote of mine...I know there are a bunch of groups with this idea...I don't know if I will do a group...just me expressing what is going on with me at the moment so here goes... take a peek when you can I am posting them to make contact with all of you too!!! Love, Sherry
First ipernity collective exhibition in Bologna, Italy
1st ipernity Collective Exhibition in Bologna October 17, 2009 On Saturday, October 17, 2009, an important event for all the participants in the next 4th ipernity members meeting in Bologna will be organized. Together with the photographers’ association based in Bologna called “ Piccolo Formato ”, we will organize a special event dedicated to all the ipernity members who will come to Bologna. A sort of self-made collective exhibition that will be held on Saturday evening. Ea…
16 july: one day trip to Bruxelles
Je serai à Bruxelles dès 11.15 jusqu'à 18.15. J'ai un rendez-vous à Anderlecht. Je ne sais pas encore exactement à quelle heure, mais de toute façon j'aurai quelques heures livres. Envoyez-moi une ipermail s'il y a la possibilité de se rencontrer. Je vous donnerai mes numéros de mobiles.
One of my preferred tunes...
Anthony: look at this DVD and compare it with Trespass 8mm home footage... almost 40 years have past...
closing in on 50.000 | wir nähern uns 50.000
Ok, the 50.000 visits mark is drawing close. Thanks to all of you! So I will send an original "Arne Jäger" postcard to the 50.000th visitor (and maybe some more). Just post your number in this blog. light... _______________________________________ So, die 50.000er Marke nähert sich. Vielen Dank Euch allen! Also, der 50.000ste Besucher (und vielleicht noch ein paar weitere) bekommen eine original "Arne Jäger"-Postkarte von mir geschickt. Posted Eure Nummer einfach hier im in diesem…
Gaza et gaz offshore
Très intéressante traduction en français par Patrice Lombard de l'article en anglais de Michel Chossudovsky en date du 10 janvier 2009. Michel Chossudovsky, économiste canadien, professeur à l'université d'Ottawa, directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation. Invasion israélienne et gisements gaziers au large de Gaza…
Interview de Leïla Shahid [deux parties]
Leïla Shahid, représentante de l'OLP en Europe
A first example of Ipernity API usage in PHP
This short PHP script build a table with id, visits, faves, comments, faves to visits ratio and thumbnail linked to page of your last 20 shots. You need to customize it with your API key and user id. My first impression was of a very limited API, but after "playing a little bit" (...'til 5AM this morning...) with the parameters, I prefer to define it a lightweight API: very few methods, but using multiple calls you can obtain almost any information.…
Ipernity Refer Comment [NEW: version 0.92 - 26-Jul-08]
You asked for it, you got it! ;-) Is a GreaseMonkey Script I translated from Flickr to Ipernity. ADDED in 0.92: IpernityFox resolution (thanks Carsten ) UPDATED in 0.91: restored a smaller size for the comment (the previous code was incompatible with the new Ipernity codebase) ADDED in 0.9: home page resolution; BUGS CORRECTED in 0.9: parameter trapping ADDED in 0.8: when you come from a user stream or blog, her web alias is shown (thanks to moty66 ) ADDED in 0.7: the comment is now of a more little size, as suggested UPDATED in 0.7- 0.8 - 0.9: a new list of group names is resolved
AFK: away from keyboard
I will be away from Ipernity for approximately a week: first a job travel and then a family travel. I'm not leaving Ipernity! Bye bye my friends ;-)
Que viva España
Envy! The current distance between Italia and España is all enclosed between the gentle smile of Zapatero and the vulgar gestures of Berlusconi, the fly of Torres against defensor and goalkeeper and the slow trot along of Luca Toni... Congrats for both, España [IT] Che invidia! La distanza attuale tra l'Italia e la Spagna è tutta racchiusa tra il sorriso mite di Zapatero ed i gesti volgari di Berlusconi, lo scatto bruciante di Torres verso la porta ed il tro…
And the winner is... Soepkipje
50000th visitor! and one year of Ipernity!
Next chance for a printed picture
[en] Hm, it seems I will have in a week the 20.000th visitor. To continue the game as done 10.000 visits before: Leave a blog entry with your visit count. If you are nearly at 20k or just a little bit above: you can seek your favorite in my stream (if there is any), fave it and add it here as wish! I will send you then the print out mounted on a foamcore board. Please understand that I have to decide myself what is "nearly" and "little bit", I can not afford a big bunch of prints ;-)…
Ipernity Easy Photo Post [NEW VERSION: 0.6, 23 May 2008]
Is a GreaseMonkey Script I translated from Flickr to Ipernity. Today I release version 0.6; this is a fast patch, waiting for the API version to come; let me know if you find bugs. ADDED: support for the 'blog' size ( seems to be available only for your own shots ) and for the new file names REMOVED: (temporarily) blind effect CHANGELOG: version 0.5, with groups support.
Tuscany trip #6: Carapax, Populonia
Following day we returned to the Carapax . I never saw so many turtles form all over the world and all the stork nests: the greater turtle species of the world: Miccio Amiatino, one of the species with a cross on the shoulders Storks After dining in Follonica, we went to Populonia; instead of visiting the Etruscan necropolis, we decided to wander trhough the wood to a promontory in front of the Elba Island; inside the wood you can see many entrances to…
Tuscany trip #5: Orbetello, Capalbio, Giardino dei Tarocchi
The next day I had another occasion to wander by myself in Massa. Cathedral It was earlier in the morning and with a better light: Torre del candeliere pluuuuuumaaaage! We decided to visit the WWF Oasis of Orbetello. When we were there, we discovered the oasis closed the previous day, so we went to the Patanella wood on the Orbetello lagoon: view on the lagoon fern and cork In the afternoon we visited Capalbio…
BIG APE FIGHT this week :)
See the great Great GREAT Roberto Ballerini and the Master of ipernity Bigoode (wherever he is now...) Duelling themselfs in a groundshaking unbelievable duel to the bones !!! light...
[My Faves] #4
[My Faves] #3
[My Faves] #2
[My Faves] #1 [Happy Easter, my friends]
[WANDERING] Putpourri (+EDIT)
Looking in my virtual drawers...
[WANDERING] Playground
Sunday is dedicated to my family...
[WANDERING] From Sassoferrato to Arcevia
I continue to show you the territory near the Appennini mountain chain
[Wandering] Arcevia
Still searching for a more stable job...
[Wandering] Portonovo - Ancona
... or how to pass your time between meetings...
Will flickr's mum YAHOO be eaten by Microsoft?
Some time ago flickr was eaten by yahoo and (among other things) all users "were allowed to create" yahoo accounts in order to log in. I just read ( here! [dutch]) that Microsoft plans to eat YAHOO. If that happens you can imagine what the consequences for flickr's services will be. For now I joined the protest-group , but as soon as Microsoft indeed buys yahoo I will quit my account for sure. It's not that I did very much with my flickr account, but if it's infected I don't even want it to…
Sorting the mess...
The end date of my Pro Flickr account is approaching and I'm constraining it to a diet, to choose what will stay when it will return free
Bonne année aussi
Je vous souhaite à tous une très bonne année et quelle soit remplie de belles photo
Thank you very much: I'm amazed
1685 ways to save 1 Euro !!!
Yesterday i payed 1 Euro for parking 1 hour. But then i stayed there about 2 hours. No parking ticket ! I had luck a this moment also for other reasons ;-)) 1 Euro saved ! 1 Euro for Bigoodes DREAM :-)) It's very easy to save 1 Euro ! Help to help Bigoode :-)) Feel free to post you idea to save one euro for Bigoode & a relating picture here !!
Data Recovery
What to do when accidentally delete your photocard before downloading the shots to your harddisk?
Who will be the 20000th? Carsten!!!
... to visit my photostream?
[About blogs] LOL
I found another of my shots blogged without notice...
... is the number of visits to my photostream. Why I noticed it?
Flickr: what's happening?
I only use it for backup uploads, but I continue to have Explores
Who will be the 10000th? Social Foto Clube!!
Another step of my Ipernity experience
[GROUPS] Ipernity Academy
A new group dedicated to discussions, tutorials and articles about photography
About light... again NOTE: let me know if there are errors; I'm not so expert in English nor in photography TRANSLATORS WELCOMED A new group for this: Ipernity Academy .
Comment - Refering - Greasemonkeyscript
Just found: Ipernity Add referer into comments - Greasemonkey- Plugin Should maybee added to ? Found via RobertoBallerini 's blog. :) JFI: Doesn´t work anymore since the last redesign of ipernity. And was against the ipernity-tos as mentonied by Lea .
Two or three things I learnt in one year of photography A new group for this: Ipernity Academy .
Strange facts of life
Today I received a request to use this shot of mine to represent the concept of "aspiration" in a presentation for a no profit educational institution: I feel very honoured, but what is an incredible combination is the audience for this presentation, deaf or hard of hearing professionals: I'm a professional and I have a deaf 2 y.o. child. Time to start a meditation on the concept of destiny.
Ready for the 5000th visit
Pret pour la 5000ème visite Pronto per la 5000a visita Bereit für den 5000ten Besucher
Best of the Week pseudogroup - August edition (shots uploaded from Jul 30th to Aug 31st 2007) - WINNER: tequila4
NOW A REAL GROUP: AND THE HALL OF FAME: LAST DAY FOR VOTING: September 17th, until the groups are started. A special edition for August Month, waiting for the forthcoming group ;-) This time you can post up to 3 different shots! Results of August Edition : Results of week #6 : Results of week #5 : Results of week #4 : Results of week #3 : Results of week #2 : Results of week #1 :
Still experimenting with QtPfsGUI
... and I am unable to decide which operator is more natural; all of them have drawbacks.
QtPfsGUI operators
An example of the results given by the different QtPfsGUI operators on the same set of bracketed shots.
An open source alternative to Photomatix for making HDR
Back from vacations
I'm downloading over 5 Gigs of shots from my memory cards. I hope I can show you a little bit of the fantastic Sudtirol mountains and locations in a short time. Only a little note to remark that I found some friends disappeared from Ipernity (and someone from Flickr too) during my vacations and I'm sad for a lost occasion to know them better. I hope Team Ipernity will read this and start to consider enlarging the team to have better time to market.
Going, going, going... boing
Tomorrow we will make a trip to Alto Adige/Sudtirol. Some days of vacation, before the usual medical check for our Anna Chiara. I will be back to Ipernity August 20th or 21st. Hope to have some new shots (but the weather seems to be an enemy...). Have a nice week. The voting for Best of Week - Week #6 is postponed to August 21st, of course.
The Blitz Contest - #1 - Winner: Iljuschin
The Blitz Contest #2 is here , chez Iljuschin. The winner is the shot #4, Iljuschin, with 15 points; Doomshammer's #3 received 12 votes; third place for Carsten's #6, 7 votes: congrats to all three.
The Blitz Contest - #2: Winner Roberto Ballerini
The Winner is Roberto Ballerini with 6 Points 48 hours to post a shot; 48 hours to vote. The winner will host next Blitz Contest. Every shot can participate to only a Blitz Contest. WHY BLITZ? Ok for me as a german this term is somehow a little bit problematic. But I always think about this funny scene in Charly Chaplins "The Grat Dictator" about the *guy* in the swamp swearing like a trooper using the german word "Blitz". Maybe "Blitz" is also a term used in chess to indicate tournaments…
Best of the Week pseudogroup - Week #6 (shots uploaded from July 23rd to July 29th 2007) - WINNER: Jochen
Results of August Edition : Results of week #6 : Results of week #5 : Results of week #4 : Results of week #3 : Results of week #2 : Results of week #1 :
Best of the Week pseudogroup - Week #5 (shots uploaded from July 16th to July 22nd 2007) - WINNER: Aufzynden!
Results of August Edition : Results of week #6 : Results of week #5 : Results of week #4 : Results of week #3 : Results of week #2 : Results of week #1 :
Best of the Week pseudogroup - Week #4 (shots uploaded from July 9th to July 15th 2007) - WINNER: [op]drie
Results of August Edition : Results of week #6 : Results of week #5 : Results of week #4 : Results of week #3 : Results of week #2 : Results of week #1 :
Best of the Week pseudogroup - Week #3 (shots uploaded from July 2nd to July 8th 2007) - WINNER: Chris
Results of August Edition : Results of week #6 : Results of week #5 : Results of week #4 : Results of week #3 : Results of week #2 : Results of week #1 :
Best of the Week pseudogroup - Week #2 (shots uploaded from June 25 to July 1st 2007) - WINNER: Manganite
Results of August Edition : Results of week #6 : Results of week #5 : Results of week #4 : Results of week #3 : Results of week #2 : Results of week #1 :
Best of the week pseudogroup - Week #1 (18 to 24 June 2007) - WINNER: Natascha
Results of August Edition : Results of week #6 : Results of week #5 : Results of week #4 : Results of week #3 : Results of week #2 : Results of week #1 : Note: we're here to have fun. I'm against having lots of rules. Considering we're a fast growing community, I will make no further tests on date of upload. I consider absolutely natural for an Ipernity newcomer to post shots uploaded on her/his first days, even if the upload date is outside of the week. No silly rules, no silly flames: let's have fun! :-)
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