Keyword: dorchester

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  • lively lion at the feet of the late c13 knight , dorchester  abbey church, oxon (30)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (29)c13 cross slab, presumably of an abbot
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c19 minton tiles(28)
  • c19 cast iron heating grill, dorchester abbey church, oxon (27)
  • early c17 window in the blocking wall of the curtailed north transept, dorchester abbey church, oxon (26)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon late c13 north choir aisle, c17 window marking the truncated north transept, c12 nave wall, tower rebuilt in the c17 (25)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon late c13 north choir aisle, c17 window marking the truncated north transept (24)
  • mid c14 north chancel jesse window c.1340, dorchester abbey church, oxon (23)
  • dorchester abbey church, mid c14 east window,  (22)
  • dorchester abbey church, s.e. chapels of c.1320, presbytery with sedilia lights mid c14 ,,(21)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c12 beakhead,(19)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c12 beakhead,(18)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,c12 beakhead(17)
  • dorchester abbey church, late c12 doorway in the west wall of the north transept, probably reset, (16)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (15)
  • c13 capitals, dorchester abbey church, oxon
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c13 dogtooth, (13)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c12 scalloped capital with green men on the corners (11)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon , green man on a c12 capital
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c12 scalloped capital,  (9)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon looking from the remains of the crossing into the c13 choir, extended into a new presbytery in the mid c14; (8)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon,late c13 north choir arcade,early c14 south choir arcade, mid c14 east window (,7)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,late c13 north choir arcade,early c14 south choir arcade, mid c14 east window(6)
  • dorchester abbey church guest house, c14/c15, oxon (5)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c19 butterfield lych gate 1852-3(1)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon west end of the late c14 south aisle used by the parish. buttress mid c13 reused, window re-opened and given tracery by scott in the 1860s(3)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,view of c14/c15 guesthouse and c17 tower/ c14 south side of church(130)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c17 table tomb in the churchyard; john wise +1634,(125)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,c17 table tomb in the churchyard; john wise +1634(124)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c15 tiles(123)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c15 tiles(122)
  • dorchester abbey church, monk awakened by the devil tutivillus blowing on his horn; detail of the c14 corbel, (121)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon monks on a big c14 corbel attached to the nave arcade, presumed to be a statue base, (119)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon monks on a big c14 corbel attached to the nave arcade, presumed to be a statue base,(118)
  • dorchester abbey church, monks on a big c14 corbel attached to the nave arcade, presumed to be a statue base, (117)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon, no sign of a fixing hole on the top of the big c14 nave corbel(116)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon monks on a big c14 corbel attached to the nave arcade, presumed to be a statue base,(115)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,monks on a big c14 corbel attached to the nave arcade, presumed to be a statue base(114)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon,c14 heraldry in nave glass, perhaps the earl of lancaster? (113)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c14 royal arms now in nave glass,(112)
  • dorchester abbey church, c14 glass in the nave, (110)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,c12 lead font c.1170(109)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c12 lead font c.1170,(108)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c12 lead font c.1170,(107)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,c12 lead font c.1170(106)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon c15 st christopher mural in south choir aisle,(105)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon,  mid c14 north chancel jesse window c.1340 , (104)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon ,mid c14 north chancel jesse window c.1340
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon king david with harp on mid c14 north chancel jesse window c.1340(100)
  • censing angel on mid c14 north chancel jesse window c.1340 dorchester abbey church, oxon (99)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (98)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (96)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (95)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (94)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (93)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (92)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon one of the three kings /magi on the mid c14 north chancel jesse window c.1340 (91)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon  figure holding book and scroll on mid c14 north chancel jesse window c.1340(90)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon, mid c14 sedilia c.1340  (89)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon mid c14 sedilia c.1340, restored 1845 by james cranston (88)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon late c13 glass:  bishop (87)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon mid c14 mass scene glass roundel (86)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340(85)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340(84)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340(83)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon green dragon boss detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340(82)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon dragon eating man, boss, detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340  (81)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon winged beastie with man's head, detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon female metamorphic beastie holding another woman's head, detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340(78)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (beastie, detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon beastie, detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340(76)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon  detail of mid c14 sedilia c.1340(75)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon butterfield tiles on reredos 1847-8, now hidden behind later work(74)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon late c13 double piscina(73)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (72)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (71)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (70)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (68)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (67)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (66)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon mary magdalene and the risen christ on mid c14 east window c.1340(65)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon harrowing of hell on mid c14 east window c.1340(64)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon st nicholas in the ship on mid c14 east window c.1340(63)
  • dorchester abbey church, oxon (st nicholas and the three boys in the tub on mid c14 east window c.1340