Keyword: 1888

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IMG 1405-001-Wells & Campden Baths & Wash-Houses

Sofiero !! Salud ! Cheers ! Santé !

Cemetery gate (1888).

Typical façade (1888).

Dom Luís I Bridge (1888).

Streatham Common Pumping Station


Streatham Common Pumping Station


Streatham Common Pumping Station


Altoona City Band, Grand Concert Ticket, Altoona,…

John H. Landis for Pennsylvania State Senator, 188…

Labor Day Clambake Ticket, Bristol County Associat…

Worst Clambake I Ever Went To

Lunch Menu, Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augustine, Fl…

Easter 1888, Compliments of Shaub & Burns, the Sho…

Oxford Local Board sign

14 Barton square. A home of Lawrence of Arabia.

Golden indeed