Keyword: Ericaceae

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il brugo fiorito in autunno

Nederland - Staverden

Giant Heath in the Simien Mountains

Pyrole à une fleur (Moneses uniflora), vallée de l…

Erika blüht auf

einen schönen Sonntag

34/50 Schnattchen badet in der 'Eutiner Syphonie'

Nederland - Kootwijkse Veld

Pinedrops, Listed S2

Pink Wintergreen / Pyrola asarifolia

One-flowered Wintergreen / Moneses uniflora

False Huckleberry / Menziesia ferruginea

Erica nana

Yellow Heather / Phyllodoce glanduliflora

Greenish-flowered Wintergreen / Pyrola chlorantha

Yellow Heather / Phyllodoce glanduliflora

Rhododendron spec. / cv. - 2010-04-30-_DSC9510