Keyword: Orobanchaceae

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Euphraise naine = Euphrasia minima, Orobanchacées,…

Bartsia trixago, Lamiales, Orobanchaceae

Parentucellia viscosa, Lamiales, Orobanchaceae

Broomrape (Orobanche)

Louisiana Broomrape / Orobanche ludoviciana

Indian Paintbrush

Yellow Owl's-clover / Orthocarpus luteus

Paintbrush / Castilleja sp.

Orobanche spec. in der Dünenvegetation - 2011-05-0…

Paintbrush / Castilleja miniata

Indian Paintbrush

Cistanche phelypaea

Louisiana Broomrape / Orobanche ludoviciana


Red Paintbrush / Castilleja miniata

Clustered Broomrape, Orobanche fasciculata

Yellow Paintbrush / Castilleja lutescens