Keyword: youtube
2023-02-03 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Website update: Improved album listing when uploading. Until now, if you wanted to put a photo into one of your albums, it was often difficult to find this. This was because your albums were previously displayed based on the order in which they were created, with the most recent albums on top (see the following illustration, left-hand). In addition, the list was limited to fifty albums. This limit was expandable, but it was cumbersome. The d…
You got an ipermail from Beautiful Capture-group?
Just in case you will receive an ipermail about group "Beautiful Capture" in the next hours/days/weeks whenever: I haven´t done it.
Boooumboooum - Tschacka Tschacka!
Eurovision 2011 - song - contest. The song by Armenia, sung by "Emmy" is the song I watch for the moment. I´m dancing and shaking my hands in the air... You better don´t ask for "Why"s or if I´m crazy. No, I wasn´t, I´m just in the mood to do it this way. For the moment - because there was some unexpected *boom* at ipernity in the most recent time.
La mondo rigardata tra 3054 lingvoj en danĝero de formorto
Endanĝerigitaj Lingvoj estas projekto komencita de Google, kiu provizas individuojn kaj organizojn per teknikiloj por ke ili povu alpaŝi al la minaco de certaj formortontaj lingvoj. La paĝo enhavas informojn, lernomaterialojn, tekstojn, son-dosierojn kaj filmetojn en lingvoj inkluzive de la Aragona, la Aina (Ajnua), la Navaha kaj la Kataluna gestolingvo, kolektitajn el Youtube, Google Docs kaj Picasa. Legu plu
Frontberichterstattung vom "Horror-Sturm Xaver" über Hamburg
Der "Horror-Sturm Xaver" (copyright: in zahlreichen Twitter- Meldungen (bspw. hier , hier oder auch hier ) tobt über Hamburg und die Medien drehen mal wieder komplett am Rad, und überbieten sich mit ihren Horrormeldungen bezüglich der gemessenen Windgeschwindigkeiten. Nur - feststellen kann ich davon so gar nichts, und habe daher mal ein Video aufgenommen...
A whole different animal.
Not to long ago I was looking for some airline commercials over at youtube (did I mention that I have a passion for aviation, as well?)... I came across this commercial which I really like: I like the Frontier corporate image and the way they promote themselves. Frankfurt Airport has a nice bookshop somewhere in the arrivals hall which is dedicated to aviation. It was there that I saw a book about "old" Swissair sales posters with really beautiful, stunning photography.…
[GB|FR|ES|DE] How to post a Youtube video / Comment publier une vidéo de Youtube
Step 1 > On Youtube (or DailyMotion) display the video Sur Youtube (ou DailyMotion), affichez la vidéo I r al video de youtube que deseas pegar. Ein Video auf Youtube (oder DailyMotion) anzeigen > Copy the "embed" code Copiez le CODE (ou "embed" en anglais) Copia el código EMBED Den „embed“-Code kopieren Step 2 …