Keyword: Day 4

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I wonder what she is praying for...


Who you lookin' at?

African Crowned Crane

African Crowned Crane

Lilac-breasted roller

Sunrise in the Mara

Day 4, Laughing Gull / Leucophaeus atricilla, Must…

Day 4, Laughing Gulls, Mustang Island, Texas

Day 4, Royal Tern / Thalasseus maximus, Mustang Is…

Day 4, Baltimore Oriole, The Tip, Point Pelee

Day 4, sleeping Raccoon, Point Pelee, Ontario

Day 4, Prothonotary Warbler, Point Pelee - ENDANGE…

Day 4, Raccoon, Point Pelee

Day 4, Wild Turkey, Pt Pelee, Ontario

Day 4, Wild Turkey, Pt Pelee