Keyword: water-lily

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Weeping Willow - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Water Mint - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Water Mint - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Passers-by Friston Pond 24 8 2021

Friston Pond - bull rushes & waterlilies - 24 8 20…

Friston Pond - reeds and more - 24 8 2021

Friston Pond from the south west - 24 8 2021

Friston Pond - the boggy south-west corner - 24 8…

Fringed Water-lily - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

Fringed Water-lily - Friston Pond - 24 8 2021

By the lake


Lily with spiders
