Keyword: Corinthian
Corinthian Pyxis with Animals in the Getty Villa,…
Corinthian Pyxis with Animals in the Getty Villa,…
Adventure Life Corinthian leaving Helsinki (3) - 5…
Adventure Life Corinthian leaving Helsinki (2) - 5…
Adventure Life Corinthian leaving Helsinki (1) - 5…
Adventure Life Corinthian at Helsinki - 3 August 2…
Panel Amphora in the Princeton University Art Muse…
Roman Corinthian Capital from Delos in the British…
Pyxis Attributed to the Honolulu Painter in the Br…
Corinthian Pilaster Capital from Ephesus in the Br…
Corinthian Capital on the Temple of Divine Romulus…
The Column of Phocas in the Roman Forum, June 201…
The Column of Phocas in the Roman Forum, June 2013
Late Corinthian Panel Amphora in the Princeton Uni…
The Shrine of Juturna in the Roman Forum, July 201…
View of the Temple of Castor and Pollux from the H…