Keyword: wip
WIPocalypse 2024 Check-In - August 25, 2024
Today's discussion topic is: "Do you belong to any stitching groups or guilds (either in person or virtual)? If so, tell us about them." Easy answer - no. I do some SALs that are sponsored on Facebook by some designers and I do post my progress on their SAL facebook pages but this doesn't strike me as being the same as belonging to a group. As for guilds, I belonged to a quilt guild for several years and was their unpaid website manager for many of those years (even though quilti…
WIPocalypse 2022 Check-In - July 31, 2022
The topic for this month's discussion is: "What five patterns do you really want to purchase (or start) right now?" "I don't really need to purchase any more projects... I have enough to outlive me by decades! But there are a few in my stash that I would like to start. The following three are patterns soon-to-be released or already in hand that I intend to begin shortly: • The soon-to-be issued "Autumn Sampler" from Stitchonomy, a companion to the already finished "Wniter Sampler" and…
A Completion!
I finished a little 2x2 square designed by Michael Powell. It's meant to be one side of a scissor keep but I think I'll make it into an ornament instead and stitch the other side as another ornament. OK, I shouldn't brag but it's been so LONG! Two strands of Anchor floss over one --- in an 18 ct (I think) canvas. A bear to frog so there is one mistake I simply fudged around. Luckily, Powell designs are wonky enough to make fudging invisible! On to the other side --- this is where it…
2014 - Staying Connected, Week Forty
In this past week, I have completed Stitch #133 for Take a Stitch Tuesday (the Triple Chain): finished the outline for "Bride" in the RYO mandala series from Tracy Horner: assembled the basic block for my October Crazy Quilt Journal piece: and kitted out my October Bead Journal piece. Not bad, considering my ailing stitching mojo and the ever-present frog on"Bride'! I also completed a can't-put-it-down darn-it-it's-a-cliffhanger-ending book by Deborah Crombie ("To Dwell in…
International Hermit and Stitch Weekend, September 19 - 21
I really didn't expect to have anything to report on this weekend since we were expecting 7 house guests this weekend but, at the last minute, after a mad rush Saturday morning inflating air mattresses and sorting sleeping situations, we got a phone call saying they weren't coming until NEXT weekend! Down side --- all that panic for nothing. AND a possible addition of two more to the guest list. Up side --- seven sleeping arrangements sorted, the guest rooms are clean and ready, and I had time t…
2014 - Staying Connected, Week Thirty-five
I didn't stay connected at all this past week. I spent the weekend working on challenge #10 for the Compendium of Curiosities #3 Challenge. I even read a book (!!!): the latest Deborah Crombie Inspector Kincaid novel (and it was wonderful!) and started another - a Victorian era historical mystery Called "The Yard". I think my stitching mojo is suffering from county fair aftershock. Nothing appeals to me in my project bag, I don't want to start something new and... so I didn't stitch a thing…
2013 - Reconnect to My Stitchery, Week Forty-One
After finishing the September BJP and the October Crazy Quilt Journal blocks early in the week, I spent a day gathering together projects to take to the quilt guild retreat and then the weekend working on them and a little bit more. Retreat was entitled "Bling It On!" and was held at Our Lady of the Pines , a retreat center run by the Sisters of Mercy in Fremont Ohio. There were forty guild members there, elbow to elbow in one of the center's meeting rooms, which you might think would not be…