Keyword: challenge

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  • My 365 Project

    1/365: "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." ~ Tony Robbins
    I began this project on January 1 and thought about it for months before I committed. I wanted to be sure that I could succeed, so I contemplated what I wanted to achieve and considered everything that would be a possible problem. I spent time reading advice from people who have done this project in the past. I looked at different projects to see what others had done. The notion of a 365 project seems easy enough, but the challenge lies in the fact that rain or shine, with or without time or…

  • Color Palette Challenge/Crazy Quit Journal/Bead Journal Project Challenges - September, 2012

    completed September 23, 2012
    I struggled with this one --- somehow, the color choices didn't resonate with me, even though MOST of them were used in other blocks. I suspect the black and gray are the culprits, although I am getting a tad tired of blue and orange! LOL The color challenge was posed by Judy Laquidara and VIcki Welsh back in the beginning of September and is based on a photo of a mineral spring at Yellowstone National Park. All fabrics, beads, threads and laces are from my stash. The block grid was…

  • Day #100: My challenge/demand for this anniversary

    Dedicated to all the people I love: Persévérons! Durchhalten! Persevere! Time will pass. But we'll still stand. and Volle Fahrt voraus! Full speed ahead into the future! We together will make it. Auf die nächsten 100 Tage!