Keyword: badges

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Heraldic badges


Heraldic badges


Scrumpy Jack

Flax Basket.

Young Man with Straw Boater Hat and Badge

Jaguar SS100 - 4989 DW - Details Unknown

Grand Army of the Republic: To My Comrade

Frank Meger's Miniature Masquerade Ball

Frank Meger's Miniature Masquerade Ball (Cropped)

Frank Meger's Miniature Masquerade Ball (Detail)

Car Badges at the National Oldtimer Day in Holland

Car Badges at the National Oldtimer Day in Holland…

Car Badges at the National Oldtimer Day in Holland…

Car Badges at the National Oldtimer Day in Holland…

Car Badges at the National Oldtimer Day in Holland…

Car Badges at the National Oldtimer Day in Holland…

Car Badges at the National Oldtimer Day in Holland…