Keyword: 498.022

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Oil/electric Light on Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatr…

Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros," at Nadrazi Praha-…

Smoke at Beroun, Bohemia (CZ), 2010

Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros," at Beroun, Pictur…

Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros" at Luzna u Rakovni…

Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros" at Luzna u Rakovni…

Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros," at Luzna u Rakovn…

Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros" in the CD Muzeum,…

Ex-CSD #498.022, the "Albatros" Being Watered at t…

ex-CSD #498.022 Albatros at Luzna u Rakovnika, Pic…

ex-CSD #498.022 Albatros at Luzna u Rakovnika, Pic…

ex-CSD #498.022 Blurred near Rakovnik, Bohemia (CZ…

ex-CSD #498.022 Beyond Rakovnik, Bohemia (CZ), 201…

ex-CSD #498.022 Albatros at Beroun, Bohemia (CZ),…

ex-CSD #498.022 Piston Valve Assembly, Nadrazi Bra…

ex-CSD #498.022 Piston Rod Assembly and Valve Gear…

ex-CSD #498.022 Injector, Nadrazi Branik, Branik,…

ex-CSD #498.022 Drivers, Nadrazi Branik, Branik, P…