Keyword: Snow Hill

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West Door, St Mark's Church, Snow Hill, Hanley, St…

Snow Hill, Hanley, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire

St Mark's Church, Snow Hill, Hanley, Stoke on Tren…

St Mark's Church, Snow Hill, Hanley, Stoke on Tren…

St Mark's Church, Snow Hill, Hanley, Stoke on Tren…

Detail of Pulpit, St Mark's Church, Hanley, Stoke…

Detail of George Tinworth Reredos, St Mark's Churc…

Detail of Damaged Screen, St Mark's Church, Snow H…

Detail of Choir Stall, St Mark's Church, Snow Hill…

Detail of Altar, St Mark's Church, Snow Hill, Hanl…

Chancel of St Mark's Church, Snow Hill, Stoke on T…

Altar of St Mark's Church, Snow Hill, Hanley, Stok…

Snow Hill

Down the side of St Sepulchre


bendy spikes


Voids, Snow Hill EC1


Remains of Bath House seen from Snow Hill


Birmingham Snow Hill Autumn 1969