Keyword: camping
Building an ASTROnomy camper-van -- Part #2a
In PART #1, I described the reasons for choosing the Chevy Astro (cargo)-van as the basis for my modifications. And I was able to find one that already had a good amount of camping modifications -- Here I want to show the choices & modifications needed to further optimize the storage & still have convenient access.
Building an ASTROnomy camper-van -- Part #1
This is a list of observations & experiences I have made while building my van. The main use will be to transport my equipment & myself and to get some rest before or after an astro-photography session. Of course, I also will use the van for extended roadtrips and sleep in there, but not all the time. It won't be a mobile home and no #vanlife -- the ASTRO is too small for that. It is more like a sturdy tent on wheels. And my goal was to build it on a small budget (< $4,000) and not use a large RV (mobile home), big van or SUV. Feel free to add your comments & experience with other models.
Eveil au camping
J'entends le vent souffler dans la cime des arbres. Doux bruissement de vagues. Maître hibou ulule, ulule, ulule. Un coq cocoricote au loin. Un piou-piou piaille joyeusement près de ma tente. Une pie jacasse, jacasse, jacasse. Bruit de pas écrasant le gravier. Un chien aboie, aboie. Vite! Donnez-lui des croquettes! Notre petite fille Amy gémit. Mamijo se lève, la replace sur son matelas et la couvre à nouveau de sa couette. Elle se rendort. Une corneille croasse, croa…