Keyword: bug

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  • Don't try to change your usericon...

    ...or you won't have any usericon anymore. ;-( The thumbnail - display at doesn't seem to be working anymore (just the title of the last added items are shown, but no thumbnailimage). If you change your usericon now by clicking on the title of your new desired usericon - you will be ending like me with an empty, plain white usericon... If you had tried it anyway: The uploading of an usericon will fix it.

  • Galgenhumor aus dem Mund eines seit 6 Jahren bei Ipernity seienden Ex-Flickr-Nutzers (english summary in commentsection)

    Service - Status: Zur Zeit liegen keine größeren Probleme vor
    Warum der Zeitpunkt, bei dem auf einer Fotocomunityseite nichts außer dem schreiben von Kommentaren mehr funktioniert (dieses schließt nicht das anschließende Verfolgen von daraus folgenden Diskussionen ein) ideal erscheint, um gerade dann für die Nutzung dieser Webseite Geld zu bezahlen

  • Day #99: retrospection

    As this is my 100th day on ipernity, I just want to write something, anything. First thing that comes into my mind to write about is a retrospection of what I've written so far. Maybe mixed with a few review elements and some random new thoughts. I apologize in advance for this unstructured post, but sometimes I have to just babble. Random thought 1: I've just discovered "My Network"-->"Latest docs & post"-->"Everyone"-->"Photos". It's a stream of your contacts' docs in size 240. (flickr provi…

  • Day #37: boring Saturday pics

    I didn't sleep last night. Went to bed in the morning at 05:30 and raised at 07:00 without any sleep in between. I did however upload the pics I took last weekend in Bremerhaven. I should have deleted the 12 Saturday pics rather than uploading them, because I think they're all exceptionally boring. The 13 Sunday pics on the other hand are almost all among my current favorites. I find this fascinating. Speaking of favorite pics: I finally found the fav page. Ipernity has two of them: My fav…

  • Day #35: comparing again

    I haven't blogged for 14 days (day#21 was last), and I don't think I'll become a regular blogger, but today I have more flickr ipernity comparison stuff on my mind to put somewhere. First: I changed the network activity report from "every day" to "every week" for several reasons: There is no instant notification. It takes up to 24 hours to get the notification about activities on your stream. (On flickr it's about 1-30 minutes) After that long time, it's not urgent enough anymore to deserve a…

  • Day #21: another bug

    The "Edit this tag" feature is broken. If I rename a tag, I get the error message "Why the hell did you click on this link? ;-)". But the tag actually IS renamed. It is, however, deleted from the tag list . That's why rumpelfoto says "2 docs" in the tag list, but when you click on it, you get 30. And that's also why 19 New pics shot after day#0 are missing from now on (I've just renamed that tag). That's a very serious bug! Besides that I entered my first two groups yesterday: Brem…

  • Day #4: bug

    I found a bug today: If I click in All is well on "Uploaded on November 7, 2008", then I get the message "We couldn't find any doc for this date...". And in fact, it appears in Archives / Uploaded / 2008 / november / 6 , not 7. There, of course, it also says "Uploaded on November 7, 2008" among the November, 6th items. Bug! Bug! BTW, I decided that Monday, November 3rd, 2008 (the day I created my ipernity account ) is the first day of my new life, and therefore Day #0. I will tag all activ…