Keyword: star

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  • So you want to -- match a photo and a sky chart

    Plate-solving is useful -- especially when you use it to correct a telescope's position in real-time . You also can feed the solver an existing photo and manually read the results but using the output can be cumbersome. Manual copy & paste coordinates of input fields of tools like Stellarium helps, but that approach isn't very user friendly. Here's a different take on this -- solve the image and instantly get the sky map of that region. Again, this is using mostly freeeware tools.

  • So you want to -- prepare for an astronomy shoot (Part #3 WHEN)

    PLANNING is in my opinion one of the best ingredients to any successful venture, astrophotography & otherwise. And in another article, I wrote about the WHERE / LOCATION. The right timing of WHEN also is important If I have to explain to you WHY stargazing is great, you're at the wrong page SCOUTING WHERE to shoot is one important step : /stargazer95050/657919 DECIDING WHAT objects to photograph : /stargazer95050/704191 PLANNING WHEN to shoot is another : /stargazer95050/659063 DECIDING WHAT equipment suits the task best : PRACTICE HOW to shoot is just as important : /stargazer95050/657921 POST-PROCESSING of the captured results :

  • So you want to -- capture a new SUPERNOVA

    Supernovae are among the most powerful events in our universe and they emit unimaginable amounts of energy. And long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away that has happened but it took 11.5 million years and only now does this energy reach us, some of it visible to our eyes. Look up at the sky & search for the M82 "Cigar Galaxy" -- it will be over in a few weeks.

  • Les stars sont déjà sur ipernity !

    Après la vague des chats et des couchers de soleil, les stars s'exposent sur ipernity ! Le chanteur Jean-Louis Aubert Le mannequin Satya Oblet Le comique Franck Dubosc L'actrice Penelope Cruz Et aussi Britney Spears , Jeff Mills , Tomer Sisley les Robins des Bois ! J'attends avec impatience vos photos de Brad, George, Leo, Russel... ;-)