
Xata club

Posted: 29 Jun 2020

Taken: 08 Jan 2020

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Priorato de Serrabona

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Priorato de Serrabona, Pirinéus

Priorato de Serrabona, Pirinéus

Priorato de Serrabona, Pirinéus L1030131

La primera menció coneguda de l'església remunta a l'any 1069. L'any 1082 els comtes de Cerdanya i del Conflent decideixen d'instal·lar en aquest indret uns monjos de l'orde de Sant Agustí. Setanta anys més tard, el 25 d'octubre de 1151 arran d'obres a l'edifici, en companyia de Bernat el bisbe d'Urgell i dels abats de Sant Miquel de Cuixà i d'Arles, el bisbe d'Elna Artal II fa una segona consagració de l'església que és transformada en priorat. D'aleshores ençà s'anomena Santa Maria de Serrabona. Alguns rastres d'aquella cerimònia es poden veure a les creus que hi ha gravades a les parets de la nau i de l'absis.

El 1265 esclatà un conflicte entre el prior Bernat i el Comissari del domini que porta a un plet per tal de determinar l'alodialitat de les possessions del priorat. Fins al segle xiv els agustins del priorat gaudiren de certa prosperitat, tot i que es propiciaren alguns canvis en el mode de vida, que van portar a la decadència de la comunitat.

El 1592, es tancaren tots els priorats agustins de la corona castellana, tot i que Santa Maria de Serrabona s'utilitzà encara fins al 1593, data en la qual es va adscriure al bisbat de Solsona, que s'apoderà de l'indret i de les seves pertinences (tot i així el tancament no es féu de manera definitiva fins al 1612, quan va morir Jaume Serra, el darrer prior de Serrabona i alhora rector de l'església de Prada). La diòcesi de Solsona el conservà fins a les darreries del segle xix, malgrat que el gran vicari de la diòcesi de Solsona l'havia mirat de vendre el 1830.

L'edifici, deshabitat, es degradà constantment. Es diu que l'església i el claustre s'usaven sovint com a recer, i que els pastors amb els seus ramats s'hi refugiaven de tant en tant. A conseqüència d'aquest abandonament, el 1819 es va esllavissar una part de la nau, i el 1822 la comuna de Serrabona, despoblada, va ser suprimida. Arran d'una ordenança del rei de França, el 15 de maig del mateix any, fou annexada a Bula d'Amunt. Després de la descoberta de l'indret per uns arqueòlegs, la visita l'escriptor francès Prosper Mérimée el 1834, que deplorà l'enrunament de l'església, va tornar a posar en relleu aquest monument. A partir del 1836 es realitzaren les primeres obres de consolidació, gràcies al mecenatge d'Henri Jonqueres d'Oriola.

El 1894 Ferdinand Trullès, notari d'Illa de Tet, comprà el priorat al Capítol de Solsona. Les campanyes de restauració es van enllestir al segle xx per tal de consolidar i salvar de manera durable l'església. Santa Maria de Serrabona pertany al Departament dels Pirineus Orientals des del 1968, any en què la família Jonqueres d'Oriola en féu la donació.



The first known mention of the Church was in 1069. In 1082, the Counts of Cerdanya and Conflent decided to establish a monastery in this area. Seventy years later, on the 25th of October 1151, the great bishop of Urgell and the abbots of Sant Miquel de Cuixà and Arles began work on the building, in the company of Bernat. The name of the church is Santa Maria de Serrabona. Some traces of that ceremony can be seen in the creeds that have been engraved on the walls of the water and the absinth.

In 1265 a conflict arose between Prior Bernat and the Commissioner of the dominion who had a board to determine the allodiality of the possessions of the priory. At the end of the 14th century, the Augustinians of the Priory enjoyed certain prosperity, even though they brought about some changes in their way of life, which would lead to the decline of the community.

In 1592, all the Augustinian priorities of the Castilian crown were transferred, although Santa Maria de Serrabona was used until 1593, when it was assigned to the bishopric of Solsona, which would take over the rights and the relevance of the church (although this was not definitive until 1612, when Jaume Serra, the first prior of Serrabona and now rector of the church in Prada, died). The Diocese of Solsona conserves it at the end of the 19th century, despite the fact that the great vicar of the Diocese of Solsona had looked to sell it in 1830.

The building, which is uninhabited, is constantly deteriorating. It is said that the church and the cloister were used as a place to pray, and that the shepherds with their branches took refuge there from then on. As a result of this abandonment, in 1819 a part of the ship was sacked, and in 1822 the commune of Serrabona, which had been depopulated, was suppressed. An order from the King of France was issued on the 15th of May of the same year, and it was annexed to the Bull of Amunt. After the discovery of the right by archaeologists, the French writer Prosper Mérimée visited the monument in 1834, and deplored its surroundings. From 1836 the first consolidation works were carried out, thanks to the patronage of Henri Jonqueres d'Oriola.

In 1894 Ferdinand Trullès, notary public of Illa de Tet, bought the priory of the Capitol of Solsona. The restoration campaigns are going to be built in the 20th century in order to consolidate and save the church in a sustainable way. Santa Maria de Serrabona has belonged to the Department of the Eastern Pyrenees since 1968, the year in which the Jonqueres d'Oriola family donated it.


In many ancient pre-Catholic traditions we find the serpent as guardian of sacred places. A troubling figure of Romanesque iconography, it possesses the versatility of its distant antecedents in the sacred art of ancient civilizations. It is not impossible that in Romanesque art it has retained its symbolism of the verticalization of the human and its unholy claim to divine privileges.
It is also a symbol of wisdom, of superior wisdom received from one or more gods.
At the time of Romanesque art, Celtic traditions were still alive and the artists who decorated the churches perpetuated this knowledge in cryptic form through symbols so that future generations could interpret them.
A form of fighting against the compulsory catholicization and the obliteration of the religions that preceded it.


Dans beaucoup d'anciennes traditions pré-catholiques nous trouvons le serpent comme gardien des lieux sacrés. Figure troublante de l'iconographie Romane, il possède la polyvalence de ses lointains antécédents de l'art sacré des anciennes civilisations. Il n'est pas impossibl qu'en art Roman il ait conservé son symbolisme de verticalization de l'humain et sa revendication impie de privilèges divins.
Il est aussi symbole de sagesse, d'une sagesse supérieure reçue d'un ou des dieux.
À l'époque de l'art Roman les traditions celtiques étaient encore vivaces et les artistes qui décoraient les églises ont fait perdurer cette connaissance de forme cryptique à travers des symboles pour que les générations futures puissent les interpréter.
Une forme de lutter contre la catholicization obligatoire et l'effacement des religions qui l'ont précédé.

Nouchetdu38, tiabunna, Annemarie, Boarischa Krautmo and 15 other people have particularly liked this photo

11 comments - The latest ones
LotharW club
Es ist schade, dass so ein Gebäude verfällt. Schöne Aufnahmen.

Hello Q2!
4 years ago.
Xata club has replied to LotharW club
Oh no it is not, Lothar, it is under constant restauration, this time I just could visit part of it, the most important part is being restaured. Fortunately.
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Like the textures Isabel.
4 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Outstanding pair! Stay well!

Admired in:
4 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
Lovely detail Isabel and thank you for showing the bigger picture, which I love!
4 years ago.
Superbe détail !!
4 years ago.
J.Garcia club
Maravilhosos detalhes soberbamente fotografados, Isabel
4 years ago.
 Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas club
gran detalle , luces y sombras¡¡¡
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
a wonderful place
Have been there.
lovely series
4 years ago.
tiabunna club
Great details and textures.
4 years ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
O fascínio de antigas ferragens, produzidas noutro contexto histórico.
4 years ago.

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