4931. Baptist Church, Brandon, Man.

Churches (Baptist)

02 Mar 2015

1 favorite

299 visits

4931. Baptist Church, Brandon, Man.

Unused Warwick Bros. & Rutter card, no. 1406 for Christie's Bookstore, Brandon.

17 Oct 2013

284 visits

103,432 - Baptist Church, Stratford, Canada.

This is a Valentine & Sons card that is credited to H. Knox & Co. of Kingston on the back. Unused, except for the notation "From Annie" on the reverse.

28 Sep 2013

248 visits

First Baptist Church, Winnipeg, Man.

Valentine & Sons no. 105,164, mailed from Calmar, Alta., to Mr. A. D. Rouse, Corn Hill, Kings Co., N.B., Canada.